Why Hiring a Website Professional is Worth it

woman cheering on yellow background

and how it helps your business I’ll tell you why hiring a website professional is worth it for your business and its growth. Well let me start with this: There are millions of videos out there on how to  cut your own hair build your own house lay your own turf How often do you […]

How to Earn More in your Business

how to earn more spaghetti

As a business owner, your number one responsibility is to not run out of money. The top priority. ☝️ And one of the biggest things that business owners struggle with today is client acquisition. If you run out of leads, the next thing you’re going to run out of is cash. It can be really […]

Your website is a waste of time

I know, I know.  I’m not going crazy. Honest! But it’s totally true. Why? Well, first let me say that I totally get how lucky we are today, with all the tech available at our finger tips.  Secondly, it’s also a curse. Firstly, it gives us all a false sense of what we’re able to […]

How to bring more clients in to your business consistently

In order to be a successful business, you need clients. No clients = no business. Sorry. Without clients, there’s no money. And money to a business is oxygen, no matter how big or small. Which is crazy, when you think about it… all money is, is small pieces of printed paper (or now plastic if […]

you don’t even need a website!

A website could (and should) be converting web visitors into web enquiries. And if it isn’t somethings a miss and it simply doesn’t work. 

hashtag hacks

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!

6 Things you need on your website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!