As a business owner, your number one responsibility is to not run out of money.
The top priority. ☝️
And one of the biggest things that business owners struggle with today is client acquisition. If you run out of leads, the next thing you’re going to run out of is cash.
It can be really hard.
There’s all this information out there telling you what you should be doing! How the hell are you supposed to keep up?!
🤯 Do you do cold outreach? Do you not?
🤯 Is cold calling a thing of the past?
🤯 Do you talk about what you do, or is it talking about yourself too much?!
How in the hell are you supposed to get it right, when everyone’s advice conflicts?
Well, if it helps, you’re not going to. I think that’s half the ploy in all this.
I’ve found things that work for a while and then they stop working. Its the way it is. Sadly.
But that isn’t what this blog post is about.
This post is about beating all of that, and self doubt.
Kicking it to the curb and earning your worth.
Have you ever noticed that there are people out there succeeding in the exact thing you’re doing? They have people lining up to work with them, and you don’t even thin they’re better than you. They don’t offer a better service, they’re not more talented.
If you’re honest with yourself, and stop being quite so British about it, you probably already know that you’re better than they are! So what’s the difference?
If you’ve been throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks, let me tell you, that isnt how it works…

Well, I can tell you this. One thing that has worked time and time again is FUNNELS.
And when I say this, I dont mean that you need to build a fancy funnel on your website or on LeadPages. I mean you need a simple 2-5 step process that can be simple and automated so that your pipeline can be filled.
Its one of the most underrated forms of marketing out there. And once its built, its done! All you have to do is share it!
Sales funnels are so impactful on sales that you might not believe the stats.
💥 They achieve higher ROI than any other marketing method
💥The conversion rate is at least 50% faster
💥They help to drive revenue growth
Still think that it’s best to carry on what you’re doing?
Here is a basic model of a funnel

AWARENESS: where your potential client becomes aware of your business. That’s the top of the funnel. This can be through content on social media, out reach or one of the other methods you use.
1 – They become aware of a problem they’re facing
2 – they become aware that you could solve that problem
The goal here is to reach your PFC (perfect future customer) and make them aware of you . Basically, gather leads.
INTEREST: Once your PFC has engaged in the awareness stage, they demonstrate an interest in your offer.
This is the point they enter the .interest stage.
The goal here is to figure out the pain that your PFC is in, what motivates them. One of the best ways to do this is by engaging with them and building a relationship. Relationships build trust.
DESIRE: When your PFC reaches the desire stage, they now know that your product/service meets their needs and solves whatever problem they have, they’re just not quite ready to take the full plunge and convert.
This could be the comparison stage for them, comparing other providers, prices and value.
The goal here is to SHOW THEM you’re the one for them. Do this by
1- showing why your product is the one for them
2 – how the price versus what they get fits
3 – what they can expect after they purchase.
ACTION: last but definitely NOT least.
The final stage of your funnel, the part you want them to get to – the purchase!
If they don’t purchase, then make sure you retarget them with cross sells and up/down sells.
Next up is how to optimise your funnel for conversions. Watch out for the next post here on the blog!
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