Are your leads drying up?

It’s been a hard few months, right? For many of us in many different ways. For some of us it’s been lonliness, for some of us introverts it’s been an overcrowded house. For others its been our businesses, that we’ve worked so hard to build up and sustain, and to get where we are today. […]
3 ways to make easy sales through the tough times

Times are a little uncertain right now. That’s one thing I think we can all agree on? There’s also something else I have to just get out in the open, I work with a lot of coaches, and a lot of them have really awful websites (sorry, not sorry)! If there was ever a time […]
Is It Time To Pivot?

5 ideas on ways that you can pivot in your business today to help you survive a crisis
5 Website Mistakes You’re Making

I see a lot of mistakes on small business websites, but if I listed them all I’d be here for days! And you wouldn’t read it anyways… It would be dull and if you’re making them, probably a little depressing! However, as much as I don’t want to mention the dreaded C word – I […]
Using virtual tools to keep on working

So with marketing, it’s said it’s first to mind, not first to market. So right now, it’s time to innovate and make sure you’re not hiding away. Stay visible and make it easy for people to stay in touch with you. So I thought I’d post a few ideas on how to stay in touch, […]
Tasks you can automate on your website

You’re a busy business owner, with a to-do list as long as your leg. So how do you go from small business owner to smashing it and having that work-life balance. If that even exists at all…. Well, a step in the right direction is letting your website take some of the strain. You heard […]
The Anatomy of the PERFECT Blog Post.

Ever wondered what makes a blog post successful? It isn’t just good writing (although that’s important too) This blog breaks it all down for you!
The TRUE Cost of a Bad Website

Table of Contents A bad website costs you business. You got a website because you were told you needed one as a small business. And you do! But now…crickets. It’s basically sat there, doing nothing but costing you for hosting and gathering digital dust. but having your website in order can be your best sales […]
4 easy ways to improve online marketing

If you want to up your marketing efforts, but feel like it’s ANOTHER thing to add to that never ending to do list, I’m hoping that I have put 4 little quick wins together for you to help you get more traffic to your site and up your Google stats. #1. Do a blog post […]
Website Best Practices

If you’re looking for more from your website, check out this post!