How to bring more clients in to your business consistently

In order to be a successful business, you need clients. No clients = no business. Sorry. Without clients, there’s no money. And money to a business is oxygen, no matter how big or small. Which is crazy, when you think about it… all money is, is small pieces of printed paper (or now plastic if […]
how to get more clients

simple, free ways to get more clients Honestly, this is one of the things I work with people on most. It’s like a never ending cycle of looking for clients, serving clients and looking again. It’s the number one stresser for business owners. #stuffofnightmares So in the spirit of giving, I thought I’d try and […]
how to run your business without relying on socials

So facebook/insta/whatsapp crashed? I know it was only 6 hours. And honestly, I quite enjoyed it! 😁 How about you? Did you??? It was nice and quiet… But, I know a lot of people run their business on social media and don’t move their clients off socials and into their “domain”. (by domain I mean […]
how to get more traffic to your website organically

SEO. We all know we need it. But we also know that being found ORGANICALLY is important too! As I say (a lot) your website is the centre of your online eco-system. Kinda like the centre of the universe. Leland Dieno says it too. I’m not alone…. I like the eco-system idea, I’ve always said […]

WANNA GROW YOUR BUSINESS? Of course you do! Well, if I told you that it’s actually not as hard as all the guru’s out there make it. Actually, if you have traffic already visiting your website, we can take a simple website and make into something called a “funnel” You may of heard of this […]
you don’t even need a website!

A website could (and should) be converting web visitors into web enquiries. And if it isn’t somethings a miss and it simply doesn’t work.
hashtag hacks

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
6 Things you need on your website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
5 Ways to Keep People on Your Website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
Tips: What Should I put in my Footer?

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!