Website vs Instagram Battle Time!

Website vs instagram battle time Read my last blog post on why you need a website and still think having a website is outdated and your business doesn’t need one??? Well keep reading for the ultimate WEBSITE vs INSTAGRAM battle to see which one wins! *hint hint* I may be slightly rooting for the websites on this […]

Google Update: Is your business ready?

As of June 2021, Google have announced a major update. Major in the sense that this update has indeed been announced. Usually we miss the announcement completely, and are sat scratching our heads as to why our traffic has taken a nose dive. Well, this is a public service announcement – you need to make […]

How to build a website that generates leads

how to build a website that generates leads bricks

a website that brings enquiries in, instead of you having to go and look for them: I fully believe that your website should be making you money. At the very least, get enquiries coming in to your business. I’ve said it multiple (a boring number) times, your website has 2 jobs: job 1: to make […]

21 reasons to revamp your website in 2021

first: Your website wait first HAPPY NEW YEAR! Then your website. Think of your website as an octopus, (I hope this will help you to see how important your website is…) so you have the head of the octopus, the n there’s the tentacles. They reach out for food and pull the food back to […]

how to generate leads with your website

websites are dead, right? wrong! Websites are so far from dead… People telling you this are selling you a website under a different name… think funnel. A funnel is a website at the end of the day. but it has a definite plan to guide people through a journey and on to buying. I kinda […]

Should you build your own website?

the dangers of a DIY website Not wishing to scare anyone (it is Halloween week though! 🙂 ) There are obviously pros and cons to everything, and that includes building your own website. So in order to answer the above question, I thought I’d highlight the main ones for you, and then you can make […]

How to get more business from your website – right now!

you may or may not know that recently I appeared on the famous Trisha Lewis Podcast  To be honest with you, I learned more in this experience than I thought I would, about myself! Do you ever forget how much you actually know about what you do until you have to talk about it? That […]