WEBSITES – are they really a commodity?

You know that you need more clients to make your business work. Dont we all? 🙂 We’re all bombarded constantly with one marketing strategy to the next. The next miracle to save your business! What are we supposed to do with information? Most of the time it makes me want to bury my head in […]
Should you put your prices on your website?

Should you put your prices on your website?I’ve battled with this one myself. And the answer for this one isn’t the same for everyone. All businesses are unique, everyone has different veiewpoints on this. One thing I have found though, is that people like to have an idea of what they are buying will cost. […]
3 things you can do to improve your website today

A really quick exercise to help you get more from your website. Try these 3 quick and simple exercises – don’t over think it. Just write the answers and then take action! 1: what do you want people to know when they visit your website? 2: what do you want people to feel when they […]
How To Get An Amazing About Us Page

An About Us page is still one of the most frequently visited pages when researching a complany. How does yours stack up?
Future Proof Your Website

2019 is flying by, we’ll soon be in the final quarter. What are your plans for your business next year? Is 2020 your year? I personally can’t quite believe it’s 2020, I’m feeling old. But I do feel like I’m exactly where I need to be, and 2020 is looking more exciting every day! Here […]
Get More InBound Customers

Want more customers? HATE to sell? Inbound marketing is a good way to solve that problem… Take a look at this infographic to help you get more out of inbound marketing.
Future Proof Your Marketing for 2020

Deal or No Deal, whatever Brexit brings: I’m pretty sure all the hard work that goes in to building a business isn’t going to stop you from being a success. Or I hope not! Here’s a few tips for marketing your business in to the year ahead. this is from Campaign Monitor, but I alsoread […]
Is it time to rethink your website?

If your website isn’t performing as well as you’d like, take a quick look at this flow chart. answer the questions and see if it helps. I think it will!
Why Send Welcome Emails?
Welcome emails, is there any point? YES! Help your business and keep new customers happy with a great welcome email.
you’re a professional. the importance of a professional website

You’re selling confidence; your business should ooze it. If you’re in the business of selling growth and confidence, one of the main things your customers and potential customers will do BEFORE THEY BUY, is check you out. Online, on social, maybe talk to other people… So it’s even more important that you, the business coach […]