6 Things you need on your website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
5 Ways to Keep People on Your Website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
Tips: What Should I put in my Footer?

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!
Hacks to Generate more clients and more revenue

Before we get into the HACKS to get you more clients and more revenue, we need to talk about why YOU need a STRONG ONLINE PRESENCE.
Website vs Instagram Battle Time!

Website vs instagram battle time Read my last blog post on why you need a website and still think having a website is outdated and your business doesn’t need one??? Well keep reading for the ultimate WEBSITE vs INSTAGRAM battle to see which one wins! *hint hint* I may be slightly rooting for the websites on this […]
Why YOU need a website! Yes you do!

5 REASONS WHY YOU (YES YOU) NEED A WEBSITE… NOW! I love chatting to like-minded people and coaches on here and one thing I’ve been hearing a lot lately is “Oh I don’t need a website, Instagram does enough” or “Instagram is all the promotion I need”… Well, that’s just not true! While Instagram and Facebook are great […]
Get A Website in 24 Hours – for £599!

I’ve got something new for you! So I’ve been focusing a lot of my time on working with start ups lately. I feel that they are the ones that need help, when just starting out there’s so much to do! You’ve tried talking to people and networking, you’ve tried building the site yourself, but you’re […]