hashtag hacks

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!

6 Things you need on your website

Keep It Simple Stupid… Duh! Your footer will likely have a lot of info, and you don’t want to overwhelm with a complicated design too!

Website vs Instagram Battle Time!

Website vs instagram battle time Read my last blog post on why you need a website and still think having a website is outdated and your business doesn’t need one??? Well keep reading for the ultimate WEBSITE vs INSTAGRAM battle to see which one wins! *hint hint* I may be slightly rooting for the websites on this […]

Why YOU need a website! Yes you do!

5 REASONS WHY YOU (YES YOU) NEED A WEBSITE… NOW! I love chatting to like-minded people and coaches on here and one thing I’ve been hearing a lot lately is “Oh I don’t need a website, Instagram does enough” or “Instagram is all the promotion I need”… Well, that’s just not true! While Instagram and Facebook are great […]