5 things you need on your website to look like a pro

You want your audience (and your competitors) to view you as professional and capable, right? Well IMPO there are 5 things you need on your website to look like a pro. That is, fully capable of helping your potential clients to see that you’re the business for them. Which is really important, and I’ll tell […]
Make your contact page work for you

Table of Contents make your contact page work for your business! OK, your contact page has one job, and one job only. But sometimes we over think it and make it difficult for our customers (and ourselves). So I wanted to add a few tips that I know work well for me and my clients, […]
how to get more from digital marketing

Digital marketing feels a little bit voodoo to some. Like a criptic art, and you never know who you can trust to do a good job! 😭 Yet we still post to socials and email out. Sometimes, we need to face it – we’re wasting our time! But read on, let me show you how […]
Your website has only 2 jobs!

Are you over complicating your website? Making it hard for people to buy?
you don’t even need a website!

A website could (and should) be converting web visitors into web enquiries. And if it isn’t somethings a miss and it simply doesn’t work.