Pinterest: An Alternative to Search Engines?

Get on the first page of searches for FREE: here’s how If you’re struggling to get anywhere on Google, try this alternative… If you’re a small business and you want your website to get found, you’re not alone. It’s almost all of us, and we’re all fighting for the same spot! Page one in your […]

Add Facebook Chat to your Website

Ever thought you might want to add a chat feature to your website, but worried it might distract you from client work, or worse – tie you to your computer! Well I have a solution. This is a walk through on hpw to add a Facebook chatbot to your website. This allows you to switch […]

How Blogging Can Help Your Business

Do you write a regular blog? Have you ever considered how blogging can help your business? Have you ever considered how it might help you get traffic to your website and in turn create more business leads? A blog will help your website get more traffic. Why? It gives you something new to share every […]

Design – Is It Really Necessary?

Design is such a valuable, visual tool in your business. Everything is designed. From the chair you sit in to the device you are reading this blog on. Is there anything you can think of that someone has not created and imagined at some stage to make it become a reality? why design is valuable […]