Automate the boring stuff, and do what you love


AI is everywhere right now. Unless you’ve been living under a rock 🪨 I’m sure you’ve come across it in one form or another. Love it or hate it, it’s here, so we might as well get used to it! So I say use it. Use it to automate all the boring stuff in your […]

How to take charge of your reputation with Google reviews

Google reviews are more important than ever – they can actually make or break you. So today I’m talking to you about how to take charge of your online reputation with Google reviews. Because if you’re not in charge of them, who is?!? Build Trust and Credibility: Positive Google Reviews from satisfied customers help build […]

Get more sales with this one simple trick

Need more sales? Show me someone that doesn’t! Today I want to show you how to get more sales with one simple trick. Today is a video.  1 – its easier as I already recorded it 2 – sometimes its nice to have a chat and mix it up! I use this trick to grow […]

Streamline Your Business: Automate Tasks with for Unparalleled Efficiency

In today’s competitive business landscape, small enterprises must maximize productivity while operating within limited resources. Fortunately, there’s a game-changing solution that empowers small businesses to automate tasks, save time, and unlock their true potential. Enter The One Day Selling System. Today, I want to talk to you about the benefits of this software system and […]

Tip of the Week: 3 Step Formula

Are you inadvertently sending people to your competitors? Use the 3 step formula to make sure they scroll down your website. And get more customers!!! Watch this video to learn more. Learn how to implement your own 3 step formula here!

Tip of the week: how to get more sign ups

Sign ups, enquiries and form of interaction with a potential client is golden for a small business owner. So how can you get more – FASTER?! By follwoing this simple 3 step formula that was inspired by Donald Miller. An online genius and content writer. So watch the video below for this week’s tip of […]

5 things you need on your website to look like a pro

You want your audience (and your competitors) to view you as professional and capable, right? Well IMPO there are 5 things you need on your website to look like a pro.  That is, fully capable of helping your potential clients to see that you’re the business for them. Which is really important, and I’ll tell […]

Budget friendly ways to market your business

marketing your business feels like a full time job. jump to the tips You need a budget friendly way to market your business. It’s a drag, right? If you’re anything like me, social media sucks the life out of you. But it’s something we all need to do if we want people to know our […]

Business is in the Follow Up

light bulb business is in the follow up

how many times have you heard that? The business is in the follow up. Its true, but how many of us really do it? And keep doing it, until we get an answer? And it isn’t just me that says it. Guru’s from across the lands preach it too. For good reason! We’re all busy, […]

how to get more from digital marketing

get more from digital marketing

Digital marketing feels a little bit voodoo to some. Like a criptic art, and you never know who you can trust to do a good job! 😭 Yet we still post to socials and email out. Sometimes, we need to face it – we’re wasting our time! But read on, let me show you how […]