9 Essential Things Your Website Needs

When you’re thinking of setting up your website, do you leave it to someone else to look after? We all need to work to our strengths, right? And without people like you guys, I wouldn’t be in business! 🙂 So thank you. Or do you have a bash and learn as you go? If you’re […]
Reasons your small business needs a website
Are you a small business owner? Do you want to grow your business? Do you want people to find your business even while you sleep?? A website today is an intrinsic part of a business, and I feel I can confidently say that about pretty much any business out there. Even if it is just […]
Use Your Website To Earn More Money – 4 Ways

Want to earn more money from your website? Here are 4 ways that will help you do just that.
Do You Need To Replace Your SSL Certificate?

Is your website telling your customers you’re not a secure business? Trust is {almost} everything when it comes to business and online, it doesn’t take much to scare people off.
Royalty Free Images For Your Website – How To Find Them
If you need royalty free images for your website or social media, look no further! Here are a few of my favourite royalty free – FREE image sites.
Gain More Website Traffic with Pinterest
I often find that Pinterest is the forgotten social media platform. I’ll tell you why… it isn’t actually a social media platform – it’s a search engine! The most impressive search engine out there (IMO) but often confused with social media… and for good reason, the lines are blurred as to what it is. But […]
GDPR and your WordPress Website
Are you ready? I bet you’re sick to death of those 4 letters! I know I am, I’ll be glad when Friday arrives and we can all get on with our lives! So I know that you’re probably worrying about your email lists and who you can contact and who you can’t, but have you […]
How To: Use Canva
Anyone else love beautiful images on their website and social media pages? If you’re not sure how people could possibly have the budget for so many amazing [professional] photos on their pages every day, I can share a secret! So you may have seen my post about royalty free images…. if not you can read […]
7 Tips to Keeping your WordPress Website Secure
First things first, don’t think just because you’re a small business no one will be interested in hacking your website. They are – even if it’s just a bit of practice. Your business website is one of your most important business assets. Aside from that, WordPress is the most popular website platform, it accounts for […]
Make Sure Google Can Still Find You After Algorithm Update

So, mobile first indexing…. First what the hell is it? Firstly it’s something that Google will be bringing in very soon, so you need to be ready for it! And as you know, your website should be mobile ready. SHOULD! It is right? Cause that one came in about two years ago (??? Time flies […]