Every “guru” and their dog are telling you that you need a funnel to grow your business.
And I agree.
But, why you need one? 💥
How it will transform your business? 💥
I don’t often agree with the ninja’s and gurus out there… on this occasion, I actually do!
Just don’t tell anyone, OK? 🤯
A funnel is basically series of pages on your website that leads people to a desired outcome.
Usually to buy, or upsell something that you sell.
I love them, they help me to run my business in so many ways.
I have a funnel for getting people onto my mailing list. I have a funnel for selling my entry level service. I pretty much have a funnel for everything in my business. You can barely call my website, a website. Because its just a multitude of online funnels in reality.

But what makes them different to websites?
A funnel is an experience. it creates trust much faster than usual.
Often it starts with a freebie (download/video) or a low ticket item.
Building up to the next item in the sequence and then the next (you get the picture!)
The funnels we build in our One Day Selling System is called a selling system for good reason – because you get EVERYTHING you need in order to get selling, creating more trust and pre-qualifying the people you want to work with.
That is everything from a fully integrated CRM platform to help you manage and keep up to date with where people are in your funnels right over to remarketing to them if they drop off. Plus I’ve added an email marketing system, automated messages and follow up systems, along with a ton of fill in the gaps copy that you can copy and paste for your marketing!!