Are you sick of hearing about how to make 2019 ‘the best year EVER’ yet?
I am… today is my first full (as full as I get 10.30-2.30) working week, because of school, inset days, childcare etc. trying to work around children is just not the same as quietly sitting at your desk.
Sophia likes to sit on my knee, or hit the keyboard while I type. Half the time I worry that a post will go out and hidden in the post there’ll be the odd /*. 77, luckily, I haven’t seen any yet. But be aware that it’s very possible I’ll miss some one day!
And then you see all these people posting about getting organised and how if you can just tweak this, or learn how to do this, 2019 will be totally different! For some people this will be achievable I’m sure. But for me, the real change will come when my 1 year old is going to school. Because until then, there are sleepless nights (she likes to wake up at 1am and play!) and there are bad babysitter days and things are generally unpredictable.
You might feel like everyone else is moving forward, and you’re getting left behind. I can tell you right now, I’m with you. I know how you feel! (see comments above about first days back and babies)
But you’re probably being hard on yourself (I have to keep reminding myself of this too). If you actually sit and look back over your year, you’re doing better than you think.
Most of us don’t know what we’re doing, I wing it most days! There’s one area that I’m not winging it, it’s websites.
I’ve been taking the time to learn about how they can be more than just a brochure. Somewhere that people come to do a bit of research before they buy (or don’t buy!). Something that actually does the selling for you.
My video below might explain (might not, I’m still learning with video).
If you want a new years resolution that doesn’t mean changing you, the way you live and function (sugar fueled coffee if you’re anything like me. Oh and RedBull – again, see comment re baby waking up at 1am and wanting to play. Thankfully, I’ve had a rested few nights.) See also bags under eyes on video!
If you want to learn how you can actually make 2019 work for you, WITHOUT making ridiculous resolutions then read on, my friend.
This resolution takes commitment. A 12 month one in fact! But again, I’m not asking you to make a delicious cake out of dandelion leaves and expect miracles…. no.
I want to build you a website, one that has a strategy behind it that helps your business grow and sell your services.
I’d like to say it’s scientifically proven, but I’m not a scientist. But I am confident that this method will help your business to grow. Make your 2019 work for you, without having to make changes to your lifestyle that you were never going to keep anyway. 😉
If you’ve ever struggled to get the website your business deserves, but don’t have the funds to be able to make it work, this is for you. It allows you to get the very best website your budget allows. Think of it as leasing a car, you couldn’t afford to go out and buy the car you want (a black Mustang for me, if you’re interested), but you could go to a Ford garage and pay for the Mustang in monthly chunks.
You’d also fill said Mustang with petrol when fuel is running low. Service it when required and take care of it, because it takes you to the places you need to get to.
JUST LIKE A WEBSITE! One that is designed to get your business where it needs to go.
If you’ve read this far, I hope you’d be interested to learn more about what these websites can do for your business (and it’s a lot!). And you don’t even have to do it anything for the pleasure of having a great website! Read up on how this website will do just that. Right here.
Thanks for reading, it’s always appreciated!