We all want customers.
They’re oxygen to our business. Without them, we’re not in business.
Are there ways that we can make it easier to get more customers with digital marketing? Damn right there is! 🤩
Emails are one of the best (and easiest) ways to get more customers onboard. And here are some emails you should send if you want more customers.
And even better, you can automate most of these too – so you set them up once and then leave them to work their magic!!!

According to ActiveCampaign there are a Top 10 in types of email we should be sending. And here they are:
- Newsletter
- Special offers
- Milestone emails
- Review request emails
- Welcome emails
- Curated content emails
- New product announcement emails
- Abandoned cart emails
- Progress emails
- Confirmation emails
I’m going to go into a couple of the most important emails (in my opinion, that is) below. Because this is a really good list.
the newsletter
For a long time, newsletters got a bad rap, but they’re still important! Your customers want to know whats going on in your business. Update them, make them feel part of a community.
And it’s a great way to get people back to your website and looking around different pages. People like to know that they’re supporting a business that supports their environment and is doing good in the world.
Our company supports climate change with Ecology and we support young people with a terminal illness through Purple Heart Wishes, you can check out both these pages and offer your support.
special offers
No good having an offer no one knows about, right?
I’ve done this!! Spent a good long time refining, creating and loving my offer, but no one knew about it! Don’t keep it to yourself, people need what you do.
People receiving an email about a special offer, if the email is personalised, and we give it exclusivity, your reader feels special.
review requests
This one is one of my favourites.
Do you realise the power of a review for your business?
Put it this way. There’s a sandwich shop near my office. One of the lads that works here said that the shop is dirty and the sandwiches are horrible.
Off the back of that, I walk an extra 10 minutes down the road to another shop to get my sandwiches and I have never set foot in the more local one that I was told was dirty.
There’s power in referrals and reviews. And you should be asking every customer for one. Hearing someone else sing your praises is a lot more powerful than you doing it about yourself.
68% customers form their opinion about your business after reading one review.

do you send emails to your list?
Sending out an email at least weekly is really important to me. It keeps me in the mind of my customers, and it means that I’m helping them all the time with content I create.
I also keep them up to date with the goings on in my business, and how it in turn helps them.