Get on the first page of searches for FREE: here's how
If you're struggling to get anywhere on Google, try this alternative...
If you’re a small business and you want your website to get found, you’re not alone. It’s almost all of us, and we’re all fighting for the same spot! Page one in your industry, whatever your industry is a coveted spot and once you’re there, there’s no promise you’ll stay there.
With the ever changing algorithms in all the different platforms that you have to keep up to date with these days.
It’s pretty exhausting.
So if you can’t get on page one of Google, how will people find you? And how can you get found to get people on your website?
Well, I think I might have a way to help you get on to the first page of Google by an alternative method, and still get found in the mean time.

Don’t write the blog off just yet! It’s a great way to get you on to page one of searches across the board.
This is my account. I started posting to Pinterest LAST MONTH. I stopped posting as I ran out of time with everything else that was going on in the business, so I had a good 3 month break.
And over Christmas I started back up. Since I started posting I’ve had over 10,000 views!! Just like that! And each post (of yours, not repins) goes back to your website, as each ‘Pin’ is a link, like a Google link.
There’s a lot less competition on Pinterest than there is on Google. But it wont stay that way forever. You need to get on board with Pinterest NOW and get your prime position before the big companies are advertising on there, and squeezing you out.
Much like Facebook, where if you want to get your pages and posts seen, you have to pay. This hasn’t happened yet on Pinterest, but I have seen the development over time, and some of the bigger companies are using it.
You have a very real chance of getting on to page one, or top of the searches on Pinterest.
That’s just the beginning though.
- Advertising is still one of the most affordable platforms.
- Your posts are EVERGREEN, you don’t have to repost them. They will forever be searchable and found.
- You still have a very good chance of getting top of searches for FREE!
- The more backlinks you get from Pinterest, the higher your rank in Google. WIN-WIN!
Want to learn how?
Step one: set up a business Pinterest page. Make sure it isn’t a personal page, a personal page doesn’t help you to get found in any way. You get lots of extra bonuses with a business page.
Step two: Optimise your page. Make sure you use your key words, choose them wisely and add them to your bio.
Step three: add your website. Simple, I know, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this! Make it really simple for people to find your website. This is what we’re trying to accomplish after all.
Step four: create some beautiful {portrait} images for your page and your website. Portrait because that’s how Pinterest is made up, and if you put them on your website, people who visit can ‘Pin’ them for you, giving you even more clicks and backlinks.
Step five: Create/choose a blog or page to send people back to ON YOUR WEBSITE, and create some boards and some posts. Keep them on subject, branded and attractive. Pinterest is a visual search engine, so it needs to catch the eye of people. And it needs a headline, explaining how you’re trying to help people.
Step six: PIN PIN PIN!! and learn from others.
This is of course a very simplified version of what I do to get visits to my website every month. if you’d like a little more help, I have a fantastic offer. A Pinterest guide for you at half price for January at £49.
Get a 21 page download with a step by step guide plus a one hour call to talk you through how to optimise your Pinterest page for the best chance to get on to page one of Pinterest AND Google!