We're here again...
to be honest, i feel like I just get in to a routine and it changes again!
Not a moan, just the truth.
I’m pretty sure I’m not alone.
And to all the parents out there. Solidarity is the only way.
We’ve worked from home for almost a year now. You think you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and all of a sudden, they move it further away. I think that’s been one of the most heartbreaking things in all of this, for me anyway.
For me, CABINFEVER was very real, and just before Christmas I told my husband that if I didnt get out of the house soon, I was in danger of burning it down. I [probably] wouldnt of done it. but I needed to get out for my own sanity.
I felt like a bad parent, a bad wife, and a business business owner. Every single part of my life was affected by the fact that I never left the house.
And it’s been one of the biggest challenges people have faced during this pandemic.
Yes, yes, we’re very lucky to have a warm home and food readily available, and to be able to still earn a living. I’m fully aware of my privilege, but this is hard for everyone in their own way. Some are desperately lonely.
Me, I wanted adult conversation.
small disclaimer.
*These tips listed in this blog are just opinions, things I’ve found work for me and things I’ve found on the web. I suggest you do your own research and also know what works for you and your situation.
the tips:
if you have some, let me know, I'll add them and credit.
#1: Keeping in touch. Sounds obvious, but sometimes nipping out with the dog and your phone can be massive.
#2: move your body – early: I get up at 5am (see next point) and work out for 7am. That ways its done, its out of the way, and if nothing else goes right today, I’ve done at least one good thing for me.
3: Get a morning routine: Especially if you’re a parent. Homeschooling and trying to keep your head above water, a good morning routine has been a sanity saver for me.
My morning routine looks like this: 5am alarm (gotta be early to get the alone time!), COFFEE, I set the timer the night before so its brewed when I get to the kitchen. 😉 gratitude journal, gets me in a better mood. Meditate for 10 mins, HEADSPACE is good on NETFLIX. <- Linked it here for you.
Then I write my to do list. And (yes I’m a TOTAL HIPPIE) but I affirm and visualise how I want my life to be. Cause if you dont know how to want your life to look, how can you get there?
And then I work out!
#4: Get organised: I have meals planned for 2 week rotations. Keeping it simple, I know what we’re eating for tea until we get bored of this set of meals. Then I’ll change it up. Little breakdown in notes in my phone, it’s just one less thing to think about. Leaves that mental stamina for other stuff.

work stuff
#5: put your desk near a window: get some natural light, it’s not like the first lockdown when the weather was gorgeous. It’s snowed more this January than it has in a long time. So sitting and getting a little vit D is good.
#6: KANBAN Flow. This has helped me get organised and it has a pomodoro timer, so you can time yourself on tasks. Really satisfying when you can move tasks to the ‘done’ window too!
#7: join one of my power hours! This is something I thought of a few weeks ago, when my husband is home with the girls, I’ll set a power hour with friends. Whatever you have on your to-do list, we’ll sit together [on Zoom] and work on our ONE THING, making sure we connect, have grown ups to talk to and of course get shiz done. email me here to book on
#8: listen to a motivational speech on YouTube. Get fired up! Sounds a bit cheesy but it really helps! Just type it in the search bar and a ton come up. My audience might like this one though
#9: Dont work in your bedroom if you can: Trying to keep work, sleep, life in general separate is so important. And speaking from experience there, it was one of my biggest falldowns throughout the whole lockdown. I had nowhere to work. So my life turned into work.
parenting stuff
#10: Routine: Its important for everyone, and I really do worry about children at the moment. If you’re anything like me, you’re in constant cycle of guilt. Guilty that you’re not working, guilty that you are working and you’re not spending time with your children. Guilty that you feel exhausted cause you’re working when the children sleep. Guilty because you feel stressed and you sometimes shout at the children – for being children!
I’ve found that a routine has massively helped. Although I do feel as soon as I get my groove something else bloody changes, but hey – ho.
I set everything down to meals (read above), homework time, work time (for me), play time, if I can plan it. It’s planned.
#11: tech is OK. If I need to talk on the phone, or Zoom, or I just need a breather, the kindles come out and they can watch whatever they want on YouTube Kids for a while. Cause sometimes, you just have to. Their brains wont rot, and you’re not a bad parent. Just give yourself a break.
#12: can family help? can they get on Zoom and chat with the kids for 20mins while you get something done? Honetly, if its grandparents – they’ll love it. As I’m sure they’re missing their grandchildren. And if it means you can maybe get a brew in you… just saying.
#12: we’re all surviving learning TEAMS. We’ve used Zoom since March, so of course, schools want to use Teams. And no one knows what they’re doing. In my house its a bunch of 8 year olds shouting to each other ‘can you hear me??’ *eyeroll* when teams is busy, its slow. I think its an amazing piece of tech, but I think it still has its bugs. Bugs + volume of users = hell. No advice here. Just do your best.
#13: We also do the drawing videos from YouTube. Plus free SCIENCE LESSONS
#14: balance: I have a preschooler and an 8 year old. My 8 YO doesnt fully get why she has to do the work and Soph can play. It feels unfair, so I’m trying hard to balance it with making some special ‘grown up’ time for Em. Saturday I let her stay up, we put Vimto in a wine glass and watched Spongeboob The Movie with popcorn. It was actually ACE!
#15: separate weeks from weekends: It all rolls into one at the minute, so I’ve been making a conscious effort to separate the days of the week. I make a plan for what we’ll do at the weekend, baking or crafts. We’ve made a bit of a tradition about pancakes on Sundays. Thats been a nice reset for the week.
#16: Dont watch the news: I am blissfully unaware of what is going on in the world. It’s one thing that I’ve been sure to do since March last year. I am already fighting to keep my head above water, I’m not paying any attention to the things that are said in the media. Especially when a lot of it isnt actually trustworthy. Control The Controllable.
#17: routine: I think this might be the third time I’ve mentioned routine. But sleep and not sleeping till noon and trying to keep in a kind of routine will be good for you.