Table of Contents
So… here we are!
Crazy times, right?
In these times, we need to be a little more creative and strategic with what we’re doing in business. In order to survive all of this we need to PIVOT our business.
And as it goes, from what I can see you have about 10 days to pivot and be effective and be ahead of the curve.
Everyone is still reeling at the moment, they have no clue what to do. And who could blame them? It’s a big adjustment.
And you’re strength right now is that you are a small business! You can make changes, because you decided. You don’t have to go through 10 other people to get an idea approved.
You can make a decision today, and you can take action – TODAY.
This isn’t the threat to your business that you think it is, it’s a big opportunity to grow and get better.

We need to make it easier for people to buy from you in these crazy, confusing times.
There are a number of ways that you can pivot your business in order to thrive through times like these…
Here’s a brief list of ways that you can do to help your business and as that famous moment in Friends goes… PIVOT!
One thing I will say, OVERWHELMINGLY, please – don’t discount!!
The world needs us small businesses to keep DOING business right now. And by discounting your services, you’re just making life harder for yourself.
By all means if you have access to an easier way of selling, or you can offer payment plans, that would be the way to go.
Trust me on that one. You’ll regret it. People will still expect it when this is all over.
So how’re you pivoting?
I’ve been telling people I’m in contact with to try and see this as an opportunity. You’re hearing this from a major introvert who needs and thrives on alone time. Being trapped in a house with an extrovert husband and 2 children who have no concept of alone time at all has it’s challenges alone.
So no excuses allowed here. Opportunity is a state of mind.
SO. Pivoting…. I keep going off track!
What can you do…?
Pivoting ideas…
1) take your services online (obvious I know!) but I work with a lot of coaches and many of them have courses and masterminds that might be on platforms like Facebook. Here is an opportunity to absolutely WOW your clients and get your course ON YOUR WEBSITE. Not another platform like THINKIFIC (where you don’t own the content once it’s on there) your space, and your space alone.
2) can you productise a service? Not create something physical out of a service here, that’s not what I mean. I mean can you create a physical course out of one of your services? This is where you can get really creative and find something that you can sell over and over again.
3) Strategic alliance: use this time that people are more open to connect to form some strategic alliances. People that compliment your services but don’t compete with you. What can you come up with together that will help both of you get through this.
4) change the model: can you offer what you do best online? Does taking it online mean that you can put it in front of more people at one time? Does it mean you can sell it at a lower price or earn more money?? test it and see what works.
One of the best things about being a small business is that we can pivot and change quickly. This is your strength right now.
5) Focus on what you’re good at: As above, focus on what people know you for and really push on it. Don’t confuse the market, stick to what you’re known for and what you’re good at. That way you do your best work and you enjoy it. BUT if you can create something that serves the current mindset, work on it!
Follow the KISS rule – Keep It Simple, Stupid 🙂
I really hope that even one of those ideas helped. If you have your own ideas about pivoting, let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
But above all: remain calm, and believe in yourself! We’ll all come out of this stronger, fatter, and appreciating the mundane.
If you’d like a call about your website, how it can help your business stay afloat in times like these, I offer a free 30 min call, book in to my calendar here, spaces are limited of course. But I’ll always try to help.