what would it mean to
you if you started to
make money from your
it's 100% doable, if you know how... 😉
If you've been in business decades, or you're just starting out in your journey.
You might have one of these problems...
- You need more clients
- You need better quality clients
- You need to earn more money
- You need more hours in the day!
- You're sick of dealing with people who aren't serious
- You want to use your time more productively, serving people - not looking for them!
if you're one of the lucky ones, you're maybe getting the odd enquiry from your website. but no where near enough!
the average conversion is about 1%
consider this:
Times are changing – FAST at the moment.
What worked in your marketing a few days ago, now might seem totally inappropraite. People are scared, they’re not sure what is going on from one day to the next (it isn’t just me, right???)
So if you’re sat around, waiting for your developer to make changes on your website, and you’ve paid and you expect to see changes. But by the time they get around to the task, something has changed and what you were offering somehow now, seems totally off.
Or you’re just ready to transform your business and get those clients in.
The only way that we can take charge of this crisis is to take your destiny in to your own hands and TAKE CONTROL.
I don’t know about you, but I love owning a small business, it gives me freedom to look after my family, my two small children and I’m not tied to anyone else’s schedule. I bet you have a ton of your own reasons too, and I bet it’s a lot to do with freedom and creativity…?
But how can you take charge when you have to wait for others to take action for you?!
Wouldn’t it be easier if we could just take charge of our own business? …your own destiny?
there's never been a better time to take a look at your digital presence
and make it grow your business online
If we need to make a change in our business, it shouldn’t take weeks to get that amend. And it’s even more frustrating when you expect a change and it doesn’t happen until it seems out of date
So why not make the decision yourself and join us for our web membership.
Learn the proper tactics to ensure your website still gives the best impression of you and your business, but have the freedom and confidence to make changes to your website safe in the knowledge that if you do change something, it’s not going to be an expensive developer fix!
You can do this, I can help you.
Check out the membership!
i see it far too often, we get a website as it's what we think we need, and then it does nothing for the business. well it's time to change that.
I'll cut to the chase.
I want to get you extra clients with your website. We’re out to change that rubbish conversion rate that we mentioned before, 1%? That 1 person connecting out of every 100.
No thanks.
How about we make it 10-20%?
Whether you have a website already or not, The Web Architect’s Club will make sure you have clients coming in to your business with some easy tactics!
I’m condensing the programme from 6 months to 6 weeks in order to help as many people as possible, and we want YOU on that list of people helped.
Get you more enquiries. Grow your business.
download the free homepage checklist here:
or scroll down to see how membership works
The architects club:
how it works
Week 1: its all about you
Week 3: Profitable Pipeline:
Once we've got your webinar strategy down, we'll make the process of getting people booked onto it S-I-M-P-L-E taking all the hassle out of it for you and giving you an easy, repeatable process to use.
Week 5: Confidently Close
Week 2: winning webinars
Week 4: being the authority
Week 6: Lead Magnet Fun
Week 1: The Lead generator
Week 2: winning webinar
Week 3: Profitable Pipeline:
Once we've got your webinar strategy down, we'll make the process of getting people booked onto it S-I-M-P-L-E taking all the hassle out of it for you and giving you an easy, repeatable process to use.
Week 4: being the authority
Week 5: Confidently Close
Week 6: Lead Magnet Fun
bonus week 1: Traffic Generator
bonus week 2: selling without disco calls!
Until I made a discovery on how you can sell through Messenger. Yep, you read that right, never sit through another ZOOOOOM or awkward phone convo, just close those sales with your thumbs.
You don't have to put make up on, do your hair, or even get dressed if thats what you want! And that's what I'll share with you on this bonus week.
some happy customers
From our first meeting, where Gemma tried her best to understand what I wanted, at a time when I wasn't sure myself. Gemma patiently guided me through the process that would be necessary to deliver a much more user friednly website.
The Website Architect has taken my 70 page website by the throat and wrestled it into submission.
I now have a website that I feel proud of rather than having a website that "will do".
I personally recommend Gemma Murphy and The Website Architect.